WATER It's All We Do.

Our Direct-to-Customer approach and high-volume shipments enables significant cost savings to your bottom-line, without sacrificing product quality.

ATER effluent pumps
Effluent Pumps

Mid & Bottom Suction models with up to 3 years warranty

All Models ➜
ATER septic pump flloat switch
Pump Float Switches

Industry-Leading 5 Year

All Models ➜
ATER septic aerator
Air Pumps

Available from 40 - 200

All Models ➜

Manufacturers and OEMs choose ATER products for their reliability and competitive prices. Speak with us today and see how ATER can improve your bottom line.


Fastest-Growing Wastewater Pump Manufacturer

Proudly Supplying:

We Proudly Serve:

proudly supplying the following OEM’s and Precasters:

Project Img
Oklahoma, United States

OOWA Conference & Trade Show

The Oklahoma Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) holds their Annual Conference and Trade Show in September. This 2-day event features the annual trade show, various classes, and discussions in collaboration with the DEQ, NAWT, industry manufacturers, and the OOWA Board.

Project Img
Washington, United States

WOSSA Septic-Con

The Washington Onsite Wastewater Conference is an event focused on the onsite wastewater industry, including septic systems and other decentralized wastewater treatment systems. This conference typically brings together professionals, regulators, and stakeholders involved in the design, installation, maintenance, and regulation of onsite wastewater systems.

Project Img
Florida, United States

FOWA Convention & Trade Show

The Florida Onsite Wastewater Association (FOWA) annual conference is an important event for professionals in the onsite wastewater industry in Florida providing Educational Sessions and Workshops, Exhibitor Booths, Networking Opportunities, and more.

Project Img
Virginia, United States

Virginia Onsite Wastewater Conference

The Virginia Onsite Wastewater Conference is an event dedicated to the onsite wastewater industry in Virginia.This conference gathers professionals, regulators, researchers, and stakeholders involved in the design, installation, maintenance, and regulation of onsite wastewater treatment systems.The goal is to provide education, share knowledge, and discuss innovations in the field to enhance the effectiveness of wastewater management in Virginia.

Project Img
Texas, United States

TOWA Annual Conference

The largest event for professionals in the Texas onsite wastewater industry, TOWA features a robust agenda with presentations on industry trends, new technologies, and regulatory updates, including an exhibit hall showcases products and services from numerous vendors, providing networking opportunities for participants.

ATER is unique to the market in that we are leveraging technology to bypass the traditional market. We skip a couple of steps traditional manufacturers take, going directly from manufacturer to end-user.

Quality Control

Quality Control is an important part of the manufacturing process.

Faster Development Cycles

Moving quickly from customer feedback is a direct benefit of having control over manufacturing

ATER Septic products